I am excited for two REALLY great online events in January… leading up to THREE MAJOR in-person events in February… all coinciding with the release date of MY FIRST BOOK, which is available for preorder now. On January 18th you can catch “Finding Balance” workshop sponsored by the DSA New York Chapter!
On January 29th I’ll be presenting a FREE webinar, sponsored by NAfME called “Make It Music.”
“Finding Balance” will explore how established Dalcroze practitioners might think about serving public school populations, and how the work fits into the modern conception of music education. We will explore some traditional Dalcroze activities, first discussing how they are commonly used in conservatory and music academy settings, and how those same activities might fit into a public school curriculum.
“Make It Music” will focus on two main themes. The first is the invitation to think of one’s teaching practice as an artistic medium, and to find space for self expression in the teaching routine. How can a teacher engage the students in meaningful artistry while also developing necessary and appropriate skills for instrumental or vocal performance? The Dalcroze method contains many solutions for this dilemma!
The second priority of the webinar will be to invite teachers to embrace an “open ended” approach, and to cultivate a mindset that is flexible and responsive to student contributions and needs. This is all possible with a NEW RESOURCE, authored by yours truly and my colleague Stephen Neely called “Make It Music.”
Register for this FREE webinar now and then PRE ORDER the book!