2024 was the BEST year for MusicXT yet! Our subscriber list tripled during this year and we had the opportunity to present both online and in-person workshops to achieve our mission of bringing powerful Dalcroze principles to MAINSTREAM music ed spaces. As I browsed through the performance data for each post, I was able to create a list of the 10 most popular posts of the year, including views, engagements, and discussions. If you missed any of these you might want to go back and review! Some of them are paywalled, so consider upgrading to the TEAMM to gain access to the full content. If you haven’t heard, I’m offering a DISCOUNT for the New Year!
If you’re in the MINNEAPOLIS AREA you should sign up for my Minnesota workshop on 4/5 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
I have gotten SUCH amazing feedback from my NAfME Webinars in the past, I was honored to be asked to present something again this winter! Many TEAMM Subscribers first found my work from those webinars… they are a great opportunity to reach MAINSTREAM Music Educators with these principles, which is a huge part of the mission of MusicXT. The webinars are FREE, and your subscription to MusicXT is what makes it possible for me to spend time on these kind of events! So… Thank You! Register for FREE with the button below:
It’s so interesting to see which posts garnered the most attention this year, and try to analyze WHY people found them useful. This is a helpful process as I try to understand how I can best be of service to our community! For each post, I’ll examine a bit of WHY I think it performed so well and what I might have learned from the experience.