I have gotten SUCH amazing feedback from my NAfME Webinars in the past, I was honored to be asked to present something again this winter! Many TEAMM Subscribers first found my work from those webinars… they are a great opportunity to reach MAINSTREAM Music Educators with these principles, which is a huge part of the mission of MusicXT. The webinars are FREE, and your subscription to MusicXT is what makes it possible for me to spend time on these kind of events! So… Thank You! Register for FREE with the button below:
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how powerful Dalcroze principles are in the context of Elementary Music Classrooms… the flexibility, the responsivity, and the creative nature of the work elevates a lesson to a truly satisfying experience for the student. There is also a ton of benefit to the TEACHER! In a world where burnout and worsening conditions are driving more people from the field, MusicXT subscribers know how much I believe that our work can bring meaning and fulfillment to our careers.
This webinar will also give me a chance to pitch the ideas of my FIRST BOOK, co-wrote with Stephen Neely aptly titled MAKE IT MUSIC: Dalcroze strategies for every classroom.
The book goes more in-depth into these ideas, but the webinar will be a great place to start, ask some questions, and get yourself acquainted with the concepts before you dig into the cards!
From the Archive:
If you aren’t yet upgraded to the TEAMM Subscription, let me invite you now to be a part of our community! We’ve got a fantastic group of teachers on board and that number is growing every week. As I embark on a promotional tour to support the book, I have no doubt that we’ll find more and more like-minded folks to join our community and contribute to the mission of bringing Dalcroze-style movement to mainstream music ed spaces.
Our brand of movement based teaching does more than improve student outcomes (which it does), it makes your teaching life a lot more enjoyable! Classrooms are more well-managed, full of vibrant experiences, and BEAUTIFUL LESSONS.
Just registered!